Weave Wellness Fall Recipe- Savory Squash Crumble


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, nutrition therapy is an important way to maintain and promote health. It is based on creating balance within the body by utilizing the energetic nature, flavor, and seasonal correspondence present in all foods. This is the first of many recipe creations to come from Casey & I. Paying attention to the energetics of the food we eat and the seasons we are in is an art that sometimes feels lost to fad diets and influencers yelling into the abyss of the internet about the new “cool” foods to eat. That is not what we are about. We are about honoring this beautiful knowledge and applying it in a modern, simplistic way. This art is about tuning into nature and what nature is providing us, how our body feels at the time, and how we can create more harmony within our lives through something we do daily—eat.

Casey & I had a lot of fun in the kitchen creating this recipe for you. It is all based on the energetics of Fall and foods that help support our body during this season. The Lungs & Large Intestine are connected to the season of Fall so many of the ingredients are to benefit these organs. (If you are interested in learning more about the energetics of Fall read this blog post by Devan here.)

This recipe is gluten free & vegetarian but could easily be made vegan with a few substitutions (see below). We hope you enjoy this delicious, fall creation!

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In this recipe we use a few main ingredients:

  1. Onions are warm and pungent in nature, therefore they have an affinity for the lungs and clearing out phlegm from the body. They are considered a diuretic and can help with common colds, allergies, URI, and more.


2. We used two types of Winter Squash—Delicata Squash and Butternut Squash. Winter Squash has a slightly sweet nature which in TCM can help to strengthen the digestive system. Though they are cool in temperature, they help resolve dampness and tonify weakness. It can help benefit the skin and treat eczema as well as reduce fevers. Squash is also beneficial in regulating blood sugar levels.


3. Pears are also a key component to this recipe. This fruit is cold in nature and sweet. It helps moisten the lungs and descend qi to treat cough. It also helps with relieving constipation, irritability, skin lesions, & bronchitis.


4. For the crumble we used a base of Almond Flour because almonds are neutral in temperature and slightly sweet. They have an affinity for the Lungs & Large intestine and help with cough, asthma, lung conditions & constipation.

5. We topped the crumble with Hazelnuts that are neutral and sweet. They help with tonifying the digestive system and one’s overall Qi.

6. For a bit of crunch in the crumble we also added Amaranth which is considered to be sweet and warming. It is good for helping reduce fatigue, it nourishes the blood as it is higher in iron, and can help with sleep.

7. We also added herbs such as Thyme to the dish. Thyme is pungent and warming so it helps release cold, stop cough, and is beneficial in treating nausea, vomiting, and indigestion.


Savory Squash Crumble


  • 2 large onions

  • 1 small peeled butternut squash

  • 1 delicata squash

  • 2 pears

  • 1 cup Natural Almond Flour (we used Bob’s Red Mill Super Fine Natural Almond Flour)

  • 1 cup Blanched Almond Flour (we used Trader Joe’s Blanched Almond Flour)

  • 1/2 cup Gluten Free All-Purpose Flour (we used Bob’s Red Mill All-Purpose Flour)

  • 1tsp of garlic powder

  • 1tsp of fresh thyme

  • 1 tsp of fresh sage

  • 1 tsp of fresh rosemary

  • 2 tbsp of chopped hazelnuts

  • 1 tbsp of dry amaranth

  • salt & pepper to taste

  • 4-6 tbsp of grass-fed butter


  1. Thinly slice onions in preparation to caramelize them.

  2. Melt 2 tbsp of butter in large dutch oven over medium heat, once melted add onions and a pinch of salt and pepper.

  3. Cook until onions are a deep caramel color approximately 30-45 minutes, stirring occasionally.

  4. While onions are cooking, thinly slice delicata squash, butternut squash, and pears.

  5. Once onions are caramelized, transfer them into a greased casserole dish making sure the bottom has a nice layer of them.

  6. Next layer the delicata squash, butternut squash, and pear slices on top of the bottom layer of onions.

  7. Sprinkle in fresh thyme, rosemary, and sage with 2 tbsp of butter.

  8. Set aside for a moment and make the crumble topping. In a small mixing bowl add both cups of almond flours, all-purpose flour, garlic powder, and a pinch of salt. Mix all dry ingredients together. Add 2 tbsp of butter and mix with hands until the mixture becomes crumbled. Add more butter here if you need to.

  9. Then top the casserole dish with the crumble mixture and add chopped hazelnuts and amaranth on top.

  10. Bake in the oven at 375 degrees for 45 minutes, or until crumble is golden.

  11. Let cool and then serve.


  • If you are vegan feel free to use either coconut oil, avocado oil, or vegan butter as a substitute for grass-fed butter.

  • If you are nut free, consider replacing almond flour with oat flour and omitting the hazelnuts.

  • Dry herbs can be used in replacement of fresh herbs if need be.


Consider pairing this dish with a side of sautéed greens such as kale or arugula.

savory squash crumble

We hope you enjoy this dish and have a cozy Fall!

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