Our Acknowledgements & Commitments to Anti-Racism


We know that personal health is woven into the health of our community and society. We also know that we live in a world where things like systemic racism and bias make it difficult for everyone to have access to the same resources and opportunities that can make them healthier.Here are the ways we are acknowledging the privilege we have and our commitments to our community to help make it a more equitable place. This is an ongoing, lifelong process, and by no means is this a stopping point. This list is ever-evolving, will be evaluated throughout the years to come, and changed as needed.

Our Acknowledgements

  • As two white-women that make a living practicing East Asian medicine, we feel it is important to honor the places and traditions from which this rich medicine was born. In recent years acupuncture and it’s associated modalities have become very trendy, and this trendiness is devoid of the essence from where these practices originate. We owe so much to the culture and teachers from which these practices came.

  • Our clinic is located in the Arbor Lodge neighborhood of Portland, OR. Many of the neighborhoods in North and NorthEast Portland, including ours, are historically black and have experienced massive amounts of upheaval due to the effects of gentrification. Read all about it here.

  • We realize the huge impact gentrification has had on the displacement of the black community from these neighborhoods, and we acknowledge that a business like ours may do harm. We are very committed to creating a safe space in our clinic where black and other POC are truly heard and listened to when it comes to questions about their health and wellbeing. We are also fully committed to supporting black businesses and investment in the black community in our neighborhood. We believe Black Lives Matter.

  • We acknowledge that we occupy space on Chinook, Tillamook, Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla lands. 


  • Make a priority to hire BIPOC and LGBTQ+ folks and offer leadership roles if available.

  • Annual equity/inclusion/diversity education for all staff. Mandatory for white staff. 

  • Ongoing financial contributions to local organizations that support the BIPOC community in Portland and East Asian refugees immigrants who we owe this medicine to..

  • Prioritize stocking retail products that are BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+ owned.

  • Amplify and promote voices of BIPOC healers especially those of East Asian lineage, as it pertains to our field.

  • Strive to buy from and work with BIPOC owned companies for outsourced services

As a clinic and as active members of the community we want to do better and be using our privilege for change.

Further Reading

What is Acupuncture?

Many of you may be curious about acupuncture, maybe a friend told you about it, or maybe your doctor mentioned it to you. You have gotten over the hump of just wondering and are starting to do some research about it, you may be thinking “acupuncture looks cool, or interesting, or strange.” Let’s start with the basics-what is acupuncture?

Learn more